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Empower. Engage. Excel: Your HR success partner

We offer vital support for organizations seeking to optimize their HR functions, navigate complex HR challenges and foster a positive work environment. Our expertise contributes significantly to your organization's success by ensuring effective management of its most valuable asset: its people.



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Our professional services include:

Consultation and Advisory Services

We offer guidance and advice on HR strategies, policies, and best practices. Provide support in areas such as employee relations, performance management, talent acquisition, compensation, benefits, and compliance with labor laws and regulations.

Compliance and Risk Management

Ensure the organization complies with relevant employment laws, regulations, and industry standards. Advise on legal issues, mitigate risks, and assist in handling grievances or conflicts in accordance with established policies.

HR Process Analysis

We evaluate existing HR processes and procedures to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas requiring enhancement. HR insights develop strategies to streamline workflows and improve overall HR operations.

Change Management

Support organizational change initiatives by facilitating communication, managing resistance, and guiding employees and leaders through transitions.

Customized Solutions

 We design and implement tailored HR solutions based on the organization's unique needs and goals. This may involve creating employee development programs, conducting training sessions, or revamping performance evaluation systems.

Data Analysis and Reporting

Collect and analyze HR-related data to generate insights and metrics that aid in decision-making. Prepare reports on key HR metrics, trends, and areas needing attention.


Amanda Woody, CEO

Human Resources Professional with Expertise in Business Strategy and Behavioral Science

A dedicated and versatile HR professional with a profound understanding of business intricacies coupled with a comprehensive grasp of behavioral science. With a career spanning 20 years, I've seamlessly integrated my expertise in business strategy and behavioral science to drive impactful HR initiatives that foster organizational growth and employee well-being.


Fascinated by the complexities of human behavior within professional settings, I delved into the realm of behavioral science. I pursued further education, earning a Bachelor of Science in Behavioral Science. This academic pursuit equipped me with a profound comprehension of human psychology, cognitive biases, and the intricate interplay between individuals and organizational culture.

Career Highlights:

Throughout my career, I've navigated various roles, from spearheading HR operations to advising on strategic decision-making processes. My endeavors have included:

  • Designing and implementing comprehensive talent acquisition strategies that align with the organization's business objectives while integrating behavioral science principles to optimize hiring practices.
  • Developing innovative employee engagement programs rooted in behavioral insights to enhance workplace satisfaction and productivity.
  • Collaborating with cross-functional teams to establish performance management frameworks that leverage behavioral science methodologies, resulting in improved employee performance and retention rates.
  • Conducting workshops and training sessions for managers to enhance their understanding of behavioral psychology, enabling them to create more effective leadership strategies.


My approach to HR revolves around a people-centric philosophy that acknowledges the significance of blending business acumen with behavioral insights. I firmly believe that understanding the complexities of human behavior is pivotal in crafting policies and strategies that empower both individuals and organizations to thrive.


Looking ahead, I am committed to leveraging my dual expertise to further revolutionize HR practices, steering organizations towards fostering inclusive cultures, promoting mental health initiatives, and maximizing employee potential through a profound understanding of behavioral dynamics.

We're here to take care of you

HRinsights has the ability to connect the employer with the needs of the employees to make the work environment more productive and positive.


HRinsights has such a positive working environment. I want to grow with them.

Elizabeth, Business Development Specialist

HRinsights is a great business because they have a clear vision, and they provide feedback quickly.


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